Schnecken und Zylinder für die Plastifiziertechnik

Born from the union of decades of Italian and German experience, Koffer Technik presents itself on the Italian market as a reality specialized in design and production of plastification units for injection molding machines and extruders.


Decades of experience alongside customers, and the continuous search for new solutions and technological innovations, make us able to offer customers customized solutions, which can increase productivity, solve the problems and optimize the plasticizing process.


The highest quality is guaranteed by the only use of certified materials of German origin, and the most advanced technologies for production and quality control.

Our product range includes

-universal plasticizing units, for general use

-high wear resistance plasticizing units

-high productivity plasticizing units

-customized plasticizing units, based on customer needs

For any need, do not hesitate to contact us. We put customer satisfaction first!

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